Not Another Stress Fracture

Last weekend, our weekend at Fingal, which was awesome, may have ended up with a bit of an injury. One of my friends and I went for a run on the beach, barefoot, in the hard sand. It felt great, at the time. We blitzed it, then jumped right in the ocean after! It felt amazing! The next day however, my feet were swollen and sore. My right foot has calmed down, my left is still really sore. It seems to be the bone on the top of the foot and it feels very similar to when I had a stress fracture in my right ankle almost 2 years ago. I think tennis and running might be out for a while. I strapped it up for PT Wednesday night and it didn’t give me too much grief, so hopefully I’ll still be able to train. I’m not sure yet how it will feel swimming and if the kicking motion will inflame it or not.

After losing 10kgs, something like this freaks me out. If I can’t run/swim/train I’m terrified of putting every one of those kgs straight back on. I know I need to be more sensible about my food, especially when I’m injured and not moving regularly. But the food part of this whole thing is something I’ve struggled with from day 1. It’s the reason it took so long to start losing weight.

So now I’m faced with the challenge of trying to still work out without doing more damage to my foot, and/or trying to maintain weight by mostly eating healthy and not relying on my swimming/PT/running. The last time I injured my ankle it took weeks to fully recover. And while I understand the importance of letting the body heal, the thought of taking weeks off makes me feel sick. See, I’ve sort of become addicted to this post-exercise high. I’ve become addicted to the confidence I have in my body, in myself, after doing a 60 minute PT session and dripping sweat on the ground.

I know now that I can.not.stop. I can never stop exercising, because I will end up right back where I began. 10+ kgs heavier. Miserable. Feeling sorry for myself. And I’ve worked so hard, for so long, to get to this point, I don’t even want to think about going back now.

Linking up with Stacey-Lee at Get On With It Already for Team Friday!

10 thoughts on “Not Another Stress Fracture

  1. I am SOOOOOOO hearing you on this. That is EXACTLY what I am scared of. Yesterday and today the left SIJ has been giving me trouble as well as the right – not. happy. Jan !!!! I am off to the osteo tomorrow for another appointment – I just hope he can do something about it. I am trying so hard to be good and listen to my body and give it a chance to heal but it is so frustrating – I just want to get out there and exercise.
    I hope that it heals quickly and that you get someone to look at it if it feels like it isn’t healing properly in the next couple of days. In the meantime just do your best with your eating.
    Have a fantastic day !

  2. Don’t stress about it. Tina will find every way possible around your ankle to ensure you get just as good a workout. She is great like that. So don’t panic and where there is a will there is a way 🙂 Plus you are underestimating your emotional strength you have built up. Since your ‘transformation’ you have emotionally changed. You are stronger, more resilient and tons more confident. You will never be the person you were at the start of the year. That emotional strength will see you through your injury xx

  3. I really hope that your foot gets better, it is so frustrating when you can’t exercise when you really want to. It sounds like you have a great PT group so just do what you can to keep active while your foot is healing and try not to worry too much about it (easier said than done I know) food is also my downfall so I know how you feel. x

  4. It WAS an awesome run, but I was sore after too, shin splints probably. Geez you’d think sand would be ok….maybe we should have ventured into the soft stuff:)

    • I think we should have done a shorter run in the softer stuff, on our toes! It was the full foot contact that did me in I think. Several people have since said, “Oh, that’s the worst thing you could have done!” Gee thanks for telling me NOW!

  5. You can do this! Nothing can set you back. I know your fear well. So a couple of weeks with no crap food, some gentle walks and a strapped foot for PT – it will all be okay x

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